That's a Joseph Heller if I ever saw one
You can't win with some people.
First, Mark C. agrees with Ezra Levant that a PM candidate, like Stephane Dion would be if a general election is ever called, should only hold one citizenship:
"Unlike the GG, M. Dion did not actively apply for French nationality...Nonetheless, he should renounce French citizenship "I can accept that statement if that's what he expects of any leader of Her Majesty's opposition or Prime Minister or a Governors General.
But then Mark C. turns around and mocks the renunciation of French citizenship from Stephane Dion because that's what people like Mark C. expected of him:
Sir, I say sir, that's dishonest."So, Citoyen Dion, you have family feelings that are so important to your identity. But if it becomes a question of power, tant pis pour maman. Eiskalt.
The pragmatic egoist. The tears, count 'em."
You can, however, win with other people.