Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Final thoughts on Homecoming

It was fun while it lasted.

When the accidental result of an Aberdeen street party came about, it was such a good idea. Thousands of people just on the street enjoying each other's company. It appealed to my 'take back the streets' nature.

No Longer.

Aberdeen should be no more and Homecoming will be different in years to come and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Aberdeen was never supposed to be about racial slurs, preventing ambulances from reaching those in need, throwing beer bottles at cops, sucker-punching them or lighting a car on fire.

This is not how we're supposed to showcase Queen's Homecoming to the rest of Canada. We crossed the line and we can't go back. The city of Kingston and Queen's WILL do everything to prevent another Aberdeen from happening.

Kingston Police need to be commended for their actions Saturday night. All reports indicate that while there were ample opportunity to use anti-riot tactics to end the night, they chose restraint instead in the face of idiocy.

I also don't buy the 'the cops made the crowd edgy' argument. If you can't police your friends from doing stupid things like antagonizing cops or flipping over cars, then the actual police will. That's their job. So keep your friends under control if you don't want someone else to.

I was excited to introduce my new friends to the surreal experience that were the previous Aberdeen street parties. Now, I'm just ashamed. I will miss it.

For local news coverage, go HERE, HERE and HERE. Good blog posts HERE and HERE.

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