Thursday, January 04, 2007

Little Mosque on the Prairie

There've been a lot of press coverage on a new CBC half-hour comedy debuting next Tuesday (Jan. 9) at 830pm EST. Why? Because it's a show starring Muslims about Muslims in Canada.

Titled, "Little Mosque on the Prairie" (get it?), one of the actors commented that it may be getting a lot of press solely because the title might make people think it's going to be overtly political and controversial, while the actors and those involved say it's just a simple sitcom: think "Corner Gas", but with a mosque and not a gas station.

Hopefully, it'll be just as funny. And if it is as funny as hyped, that'll be TWO comedies set in the Prairies...who said there was nothing worthwhile out there.

I'll be watching it. I hope you will too.


Anonymous said...

i'm excited by all the press! because this means it will probably be available to download which may be the only way i get to watch it. although my dad is trying to guilt me into getting cable since i acquired this fancy new television.

blackhole said...

well, even with the press, I've yet to see Canadian TV shows for download, but maybe this one will be different. Or you may have to suck it up and get cable quick or go to Lauren's or someone with perhaps. But I'm all up in suburbanville, which is far, far away.

Anonymous said...

lauren doesn't have cable either! but she at least has an antenna (and i don't even have one of those).

i've seen corner gas for download before but only on really obscure lj communities.

blackhole said...

you can actually watch a lot of the Corner Gas episodes on the CTV website. They stream I think season 2 and/or 3. I have all three seasons so it doesn't really matter to me.