Sunday, January 02, 2005

This is the direction they want to head in...

"US Said to Mull Lifetime Terror-Suspect Detentions"

This is the headline from the Reuters article, whose information they received from the Washington Post (which I don't have an online subscription to; otherwise, I'd be linking the Post). It seems that since they lack the evidence to try these terror suspects, the Pentagon is asking for money either to build a better prison in Guantanamo Bay to hold these people...indefinitely. Or, they're going to have them moved to US built facilities elsewhere (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc.) to hold them...indefinitely.

So, the idea here is to imprison people permanently (based only on suspicion of terrorism) in Guantanamo Bay or transfer them to US built facilities in countries with poor human-rights records and ask their treatment abide by human rights standards. Can someone PLEASE explain the logic or the legality of this?

The best line from the article still has to be, "it would be modeled on a U.S. prison and would allow socializing among inmates." This must be so comforting to all those who will never see the light of day ever again.

What a happy way to start off the new year...

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