Thursday, November 03, 2005

WHY MUST THEY FUEL MY SILENT RAGE (that's no longer silent!)

Courtesy of the CBC:

U.S. Senate votes for drilling in Arctic refuge

Hey, hey Dubya! Remember about a month ago when oil prices were much higher than they are now, and wait, what was it that you said?

Oh yes, this: "We can all pitch in by using, by being better conservers of energy"

...and I'm not kidding you, but I think Jon Stewart, me and everyone else who cares one whit about the environment had an aneurysm that night because those words and you saying them just didn't connect in our logic processes and our brains just collapsed on itself.

Well, I think that your Senate just ignored the hell out of you today. That, or you really didn't mean what you said about conservation because you're all just a bunch of assholes who couldn't care less about it deep down inside.

And of course, a wildlife refuge is one of the last places where human presence is scarce and truly is a refuge habitat for wildlife. But let's blow THAT idea out of the water by throwing down oil platforms...because now the animals can find refuge underneath an oil rig...AWWWWW...isn't that precious!

And in trying to find the Bush quote, I bumped into this little ditty:

Few energy benefits to extra daylight, observers suggest as Ont. follows US.

I talked about this before HERE. Where the hell was I when this was passed? This is what I get for not paying attention. I had really, really hoped that our government wouldn't be so dumb as to follow the US's lead because the supposed benefits are so trivial and the new problems that arise will create new headaches for everyone else! God, didn't anyone see that Simpsons episode where they solve one pest with another and then to get rid of the second pest they bring another, ad nauseum? To think, I had such hopes that common sense would prevail over this. Boy was I wrong.

What a crappy way to end the night.


Matthew said...

Of course, changing the hours of DST doesn't really solve any energy issues, but what are the additional 'headaches' that the change causes?

Aren't we just manipulatating time in a the same way we have before, just sooner? In fact, didn't Ontario make the change, less out of energy concersn and moreso over concerns about 'headaches' arising from being out of synch with US-EDT?

blackhole said...

In the CBC article, it's talking about all the additional reprogramming for our software applications to deal with the new change. And while it's minor, it does take time to deal with it and what's the effect on our productivity? and what happens when we're out of sync with everyone else but the US?