Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Lickin' them poles again


Do you ever remember a time in your childhood, it was winter, you're playing with your friends and at one point they dare you to lick the metal pole in your schoolyard. Then a voice of reason pops into your head, usually your mom's, and reminds you not to do that, but never actually telling you why. Your friends are getting impatient, and bolder, as they begin taunting you and calling you chicken. Still that voice of reason is holding its own, warning you that no good could come of this. But you're a kid and you're not that strong. Your friends have now used the "I won't be your friend anymore" argument. Being a kid and completely naive, you believe them and you start licking that cold, cold aluminum. And your tongue's stuck. And your friend's laughing at you. And the recess bell just rang. And everyone's ran back inside.

You're left out in the cold waiting for someone to realize that you're still outside in your winter gear with your tongue firmly planted not in cheek, but on some basketball pole in some suburban school because you're a child who just didn't listen to that little voice inside your head.

So I've just licked a mighty big pole tonight. My tongue's stuck and it's in September. Welcome 2004-2005.

Oh well, at least the Hip's got it right: "We live to survive our paradoxes..."

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