Sunday, September 05, 2004

What Can I Say?

So my friend is telling me about this personal situation she's going through and trying to be a good friend I try to console and comfort her and basically ending up with nothing to say. I tried, but there was nothing I could come up with that would make her feel at all better. I mean, I don't know what she's feeling and I can do my damndest, but it won't be good enough. I want to say it'll be alright and that everything will work out, but I don't know that. That's bordering on bullshit and I don't want to do that to a friend. So what do I say? Is there anything to say? I want to take all that she's feeling and shoot it out of a bottle rocket but I obviously can't. I want to help her get through this but it doesn't involve me at all. Where do I stand so I can move her Earth?

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