Friday, October 08, 2004

All signs point to No

All signs point to No...No you're Fucking wrong.

It's kind of comforting to think those who responded to my previous post was thinking of a meteorological phenomenon. How quaint.

No, this phenomenon hits a little closer to home. It's funny how hindsight works, or blindsight, as Jon Stewart put it humourously last night. How looking back, when you think maybe, just maybe, everything will turn out right, that you can gamble with the house and come out on top just once. And then, the sudden realization that the shit just hit the fan and every decision was the wrong one. The house wins, the house always win.

I'd go for a drink, but I think my stomach's queasy enough as it is.

Jeff says, "the truth and the lies combine to form a new sort of reality." I like that. Welcome to the new reality.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I knew it!

But seriously, now you're just freakin' me out, dude.

Enjoy your weekend. Then come back to Kingston. Everything works out.