Thursday, October 07, 2004

Is it chilly in here?

So maybe I'm imagining things. It's quite possible since whenever I get some free time (and these are rare occasions indeed), the creative side of my brain takes over and is drunk with power, running amok in the cerebrum and sometimes vomiting all over the medulla oblongata.

But I'm starting to feel a chill in the air, a cold shoulder, you might say. Where is it coming from? I'm not sure, because I'm uncertain which direction it's emanating from. Maybe no direction. Maybe it's the creative side's hangover.

In any case, September went by quickly and October's reaching top speed. I don't think it's good to head into Thanksgiving with this feeling. I hope she can make it go away before I head home. I really do.


Cameron Smith said...

It's a real meteorological phenomenon how the weather was always so much nice this time last year.

Matthew said...

Meteorological or metaphysical? The post is ambiguous, deliberately so, I believe. Creative. And tricky.

Don't worry, Calvin, we all still like you. But Mother Nature sure doens't care. Its going to be real cold real soon.