Monday, November 22, 2004

All roads lead to...

WARNING: cryptic post ahead. enter at your own risk.

It's funny how life can be a straight road, then a winding road around some mountain chains and then somehow, for whatever reason, you end up in a traffic circle. Don't know how it got there, it's not on a map, but there you are, going around and around and around. The only difference is, there are no definite exits. They only appear when they appear.

And that's where I am. stuck in a traffic circle without a map. Of course, no one gives you a map. Otherwise, the journey's kinda dull. I kind of have an idea about where I want to go, but I'm not sure which exit will take me there. I don't even know if the right exit will even appear or whether I'll get off on the right one or whether I've missed it, am missing it or will miss it. Someone said something about having to pick up a passenger too, but I couldn't hear over the din of that crowd at the last pit-stop.

So I'm stuck wiping the condensation off my windshield as I drive around and around, looking for that elusive off-ramp that'll lead me to my destination. I just hope I don't run out of gas.

I'm thinking I should've made that left turn at Albuquerque.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

"I don't know about you, but I came from my room, I'm a guy with big plans, and I'm going outside."