Tuesday, November 02, 2004

In the stands

Goodbye attack ads featuring wolves and eagles and ostriches! Goodbye campaign speeches! Goodbye televised debates! Goodbye deception lane and un-truth squads!

It will be quieter in the US as the commentators and the spin doctors are silenced by the electorate waking up on Nov. 2nd to perform one of their civic duties as a proud American. I do hope the everyday citizen will enjoy this brief respite from the cacophany of information and spin and contemplate carefully the choice they are making, regardless of whether they vote for Bush, Kerry or Nader. During these hours before polls close, remember that no one's opinion matter now but your own. Not Fox News, not Air America, not the French, the British, or the Canadians. No one.

So, as the umpteenth voice from the peanut gallery, I wish every American citizen all the best, that they vote with their heart and their conscience. The rest of us will be sitting in our living room awaiting your decision, knowing full well that, regardless of the outcome, Jon Stewart will sadly be more insightful than most of the talking heads that emerge from their time of silence...

NO recount, NO recount, NO recount, NO recount, NO recount, NO recount.

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